iMaven Maanasdhara Astronomy Academy iMaven
Astronomy Academy

Introduction to Cosmic Geology ICG100
6 Weeks, Self Paced

This course will provide you with a basic understanding of geological processes on celestial bodies. You would be able to identify and describe simple geological features in the solar system, and appreciate the role of cosmic geology in advancing our knowledge of the universe. This course serves as a gentle introduction to space science and planetary geology.

foundation astronomy

Week 1 : Getting Started with Cosmic Geology

Session 1: Welcome to Cosmic Geology

  • Introduction to the course and its objectives.
  • Explanation of what cosmic geology is and its importance.

Session 2: The Solar System: Our Cosmic Neighborhood

  • An overview of the solar system and its components.
  • Basic terms: planets, moons, asteroids, and comets.

Week 2 : Rocks and Minerals in Space

Session 3: Rocks and Minerals in the Cosmos

  • Introduction to the types of rocks, minerals, and ices found in space.
  • Simple characteristics and compositions of cosmic materials.

Session 4: Meteorites: Rocks from the Stars

  • Exploration of meteorites as remnants of the early solar system.
  • Impact of meteorites on Earth and its geological history.

Week 3: Impact Craters and Their Stories

Session 5: Impact Craters in Space

  • How impact craters form on celestial bodies.
  • Introduction to notable impact craters and their significance.

Session 6: Earth’s Impact History

  • Basic understanding of impact events in Earth’s geological history.
  • The role of impacts in shaping our planet.

Chapter 4 : Interaction and Motion

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2hrs 1min.

Chapter 5 : Designing for Machine Learning

Duis egestas aliquet aliquet. Maecenas erat eros, fringilla et leo eget, viverra pretium nulla. Quisque sed augue tincidunt, posuere dui tempor, dapibus nisi. Donec vel lectus sapien.

1hr. 35min.

Course Level:  Foundation
Eligibility:  Open for All
Desired Pre-Learning :  None
Ideal For:  Absolute Beginners. Any one can enroll.

Enrolment Begins:  
Course Begins:  
Fee: FREE | Standard Certificate
Duration: 6 Weeks
Pace: Self Paced
Course Credit: 1 Credit ( In Verified Mode Only)
Verified Certificate: Available

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